Saturday, October 23, 2010

Zorro learns how to drink from a rabbit feeder because of his cleft palate.

Zorro was half the size before we taught him to drink from a rabbit feeder. I had a rabbit as a kid and thought it might work because he could keep his head elevated in order for the water to slide right down his throat. When drinking from a regular dish he would choke because the water would go right up the hole in the roof of his mouth and come out his nose. It was really sad to watch. He could never get enough to drink and became obsessed with water. If you ran water in the bathroom he would sprint to it and jump in the sink, he would get in the shower with each of us, try to get in the toilet...everything! The first time he learned to drink from the bottle he drank nearly the entire thing, and since that very first time, he hasn't been obsessed with water at all. Okay, he still sleeps in the sink, but he doesn't go after the water, he just likes it. :) He gained over 2 lbs. in 3 weeks after teaching him this. Truly amazing to watch his transformation.

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